Constable Pct. 1 Johnny Hammons
Constable Pct. 2 Mike Truitt
Constable Pct. 3 Jerry Raburn
Constable Pct. 5 Doug Boydston
Constable Pct. 6 Richard Bachus
Trophy Club Police Officers Association endorses Tracy Murphree For Sheriff
I am honored to have just received the endorsement of the Trophy Club Police Officers Association. The endorsements of my brothers and sisters in blue mean the world to me. Thank you so much! I won’t let you down.
Trophy Club Police Officers Association endorses Tracy Murphree For Sheriff
Tonight I received the endorsement for my campaign for Sheriff by the Denton County Conservative Coalition. This is a group of great conservatives. The endorsement is not given lightly. The vetting process is extensive and requires at least a 2/3 vote of the membership. I am honored to receive this endorsement from such a prestigious conservative group. Thank you!
Denton County Conservative Coalition Endorses Tracy Murphree For Sheriff
Tonight I received a call with another huge endorsement.
C.L.E.A.T (COMBINED LAW ENFORCEMENT ASSOCIATIONS of TEXAS) the largest law enforcement association in Texas, has endorsed my campaign for Sheriff. CLEAT has over 20,000 members State wide. Thank you CLEAT!!! Those who protect you know I can to!!
CLEAT endorses Tracy Murphree for Sheriff
I humbly accept the endorsement of the men and women of the Denton County Law Enforcement Association. This organization is made up of the personnel of the Denton County Sheriff’s Office.
They do a fantastic job day in and day out they want and deserve a leader that will lead.
Your vote of confidence gives me a renewed energy. Being endorsed by the people you will lead is the highest honor. I won’t let you down.
Denton County Law Enforcement Association endorses Tracy Murphree For Sheriff
I have served for 28 years. I have almost three times the experience and twice the training hours as my opponent. I’ve raised a family on a public servants salary. I’m not rich, I don’t have a trust fund, but I have what money can’t buy. I have experience and a proven integrity. I’ve been endorsed by the Ranger Chief’s and Captains I have served under. Prosecutors have called me the “go to guy” when the case is the most difficult. The Denton Police Officers Association and the Texas Narcotic Officers Association have endorsed me. I can testify in any court in the land without my past integrity being brought into question. I have been protecting families in this county for 17 years. My opponent would like you to believe that electing me would somehow make you less safe. I’ll put my resume and my service up against anyone’s.
He did get one thing right. We can’t afford to elect the wrong guy as your Sheriff.
The only real question is do you want a experienced integrity driven Law Man protecting you or a politician with integrity issues?
Tracy Murphree for Sheriff Kick Off
My forefathers and namesakes. I not only share their last name but their blood. Decades of service to the people. I couldn’t be more proud.
Tracy Murphree For Sheriff, My forefathers and namesakes
My opponent continues to say that I have made it known that I will go back to policies that put more drugs on the streets and in the schools. I’m not aware of ever talking about old policies or going back in time. I’m not aware of any policy that advocates putting more drugs on the street or into schools. That’s a very bizarre and untrue statement.
The only thing I’ve seen about going back in time is constant references to the Alamo.
It really doesn’t make much since when you consider that the current policy he is working under was written by me.
Of the $100,000,000 worth of drugs he says he took off the streets $84,000,000 was under my command of the drug unit.
I’ve put a lot of drug dealers away and taken a lot of drugs off the street. I will continue to do so. One thing I’ve never been is the reason a drug dealer was set free.
There is a reason I’ve been endorsed by the Texas Narcotic Officers Association.